Been working on this painting for weeks now, finally it's done! This is "Maw", it's in Egypt but in Chinese we have the same pronunciation but we write it as "Mao".
It's kind of fascinating how we actually shares the same culture throughout the world. There's lucky cat in Japan, China have it too and guess what, Egyptian has Bast, the cat goddess.
So here he is, the god of cat, a cunning entity that will grant you your wish if he likes you enough. He loves to play tricks on people who came to ask for his blessings. The Necklace around his neck was Cleopatra's, she came to ask him for the throne. He granted her. So everything went smoothly, Cleopatra killed her brother and became the queen. And as we all know, she killed herself in the end for Antony.
Then her necklace was presented to Maw as a sign of her gratitude for his help to obtain the throne. From then on, people adorn his statue in the temple with necklace. He is often portrayed as a genderless god clutching a rat in his hand. He's believe to ward of famine, protect the harvest and bring fortune and goodluck.
Hope you guys like it :)